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Version: User Guide 6.5

Report Templates

Initialization SQL Commands

Initialization SQL commands create tables, indexes, and initial values ​​in the virtual database.

The following variables will be replaced with values ​​before executing the commands:

  • {FROM} — Start of the time interval for the analyzed messages.
  • {FROM_MS} and {FROM_S} — Same as {FROM}, but rounded to milliseconds or seconds, respectively.
  • {TO} — End of the time interval for the analyzed messages.
  • {TO_MS} and {TO_S} — Same as {TO}, but rounded to milliseconds or seconds, respectively.

You can use any date/time modifiers for the variables above.

Processing SQL Commands

A processing SQL command has (in most cases) a corresponding syslog filter. During the analysis, the report generator will check each filter for every message in the interval and execute the corresponding command if there is a match.

The report generator does not introduce new variables beyond the ones already available as message fields.

Finalization SQL Commands

Finalization commands consolidate the collected data, perform additional calculations, and prepare the collected information for output to the target file.

The following variables will be replaced with values ​​before executing the commands:

  • {FROM} — Start of the time interval for the analyzed messages.
  • {FROM_MS} and {FROM_S} — Same as {FROM}, but rounded to milliseconds or seconds, respectively.
  • {TO} — End of the time interval for the analyzed messages.
  • {TO_MS} and {TO_S} — Same as {TO}, but rounded to milliseconds or seconds, respectively.

You can use any date/time modifiers for the variables above.

  • {N} — The total number of syslog mesages was analyzed by the report generator.