Settings Tab
The Settings Tab gives you access to the current EventLog Inspector configurations and enables you to import and export settings.
The Settings Tab includes several sections:
Settings Groups
EventLog Inspector settings are categorized into multiple groups. This list lets you switch between them. Groups marked with an asterisk (*) contain modified settings that haven't been applied yet.
Settings Panel
This panel includes various controls, depending on the selected settings group.
Settings Modification Date
Date and time of the last configuration change.
Control Buttons
This button exports the current settings to a external configuration file. Keep in mind that all displayed settings will be exported, including those that haven not been applied yet. -
This button imports settings from an external configuration file.
The imported settings will replace the currently displayed ones but will not be applied immediately. After importing, you can either apply the new settings with the Apply button or revert them with the Discard button.
Click the Apply button to save the current changes. These settings are applied without restarting the service. -
Click the Discard button to discard the current settings changes.